Sunday, 21 September 2014


Sunday, 21 September 2014
It has come to our attention that we are now one! Our first post was one year old as of yesterday. We just want to say a huge thank you to those of you that accidentally found yourself on this site!

In the past year we feel guilty that we haven't put a lot of effort into this blog... there's so many posts we've planned to do but haven't gotten around to do them and we both feel bad for that... We have had nearly 2.6k mistakes on here and we appreciate every single one of them!

We have come so far in the last year and have improved a lot! We have gotten better looking, if we do say so ourselves haha. That is pretty much down to puberty, and we are very grateful that it worked in our favour there! There's also more along the way (hopefully) so we shall mature more!

Our blogging skills have improved MASSIVELY, we now feel like we write posts that we'd read ourselves, and posts we can be proud of, just not enough of them! We haven't done a haul or beauty one lately though... Next on the list!

Our fashion sense has improved... Oh my goodness, I cannot stress this one enough! So, our fashion sense isn't as good as it could be (bc we're poor woops) but it most certainly has improved a lot in a year! Woohoo!

Our lives... Okay, so I know this sounds weird, but it genuinely has! We're much more interesting now (although, still not very) and we get up to much more nowadays! We have also both gained Nieces, just four days apart! So, that was exciting!

Music taste, last year, I was into all that crappy chart stuff, and since then I've been introduced to the likes of The Pretty Reckless, Arctic Monkeys, Blink 182, Bring Me The Horizon, Asking Alexandria, Pierce The Veil, You Me At Six, etc... The list could go on, a lot! I feel, really passionate about my music taste now, whereas before I was just drifting over the charts, and not really getting into the music like now!

There are plenty of other ways that we have improved, I liked writing this post as we both are guilty of dwelling on what we're not, rather than looking back on how far we are along into becoming what we want to be! I advise all of you out there, just to look back on you a year ago, and compare yourself!

If you are reading this, then we genuinely love you so much! Thank-you, and if you've been here from the start, or even just a couple weeks, wow... We can't see why any of you would want to but sure!

If you're still reading, then we want you to write one comment, just saying where you are from and how far you've come in the past year and/or what sorts of posts you would like to see!

Thank-you ever so much, and a happy belated birthday to Love And Other Ramblings



Saturday, 6 September 2014


Saturday, 6 September 2014
I'm actually really sad right now because I feel as if this summer has gone so fast - too fast. It feels as if I've done nothing when in fact I've done plenty; gone to the beach a few times, been to the park and played football, had movies days, went swimming and sunbathing at a hotel, shopping in town etc... But I kinda hoped that I would make more out of this summer and do lots more amazing things but I didn't and lately that's been really getting to me, I mean I know it's my fault because at any given time I could of just gone out with one of my friends and hopped on a ferry to Brixham, I just didn't, because as I always say, effort.

That bugs me. Yes, it's effort to do something, anything but most of the time, if not all the time, that effort IS worth it! So I think I'm going to make a mini test for myself - do more things that I wouldn't usually do and don't let anything hold me back. Ugh, that sounds extremely cheesy and cringe-y but it's true is it? There's always a reason you can find as to why you can't or won't do something, isn't there? So from now on, I'm not going to be looking for excuses or reasons (such as 'that requires way too much effort'), I'm just going to do whatever it is that I want to do, unless it's dangerous, don't really want to die any time soon...

Okay, so this turned into a really ramble-y post but a lot has been on my mind recently and this one of the things.. What's something that you've wanted to do but you've always found a reason as to why you shouldn't? Tell me in the comments!

Megan x

Love and other ramblings © 2014