Hey! So this Sunday it's our first 'solo' post, this is because I have just come back from Haven, and Megan goes to Cardiff tomorrow, so she will do Thursdays post!
In this post, I shall be just sharing my Holiday with you! As you know I went to a
Haven Holiday Park in Cornwall, I went to the
Riviere Sands one and it was great fun, we went with my my Step Mum's Brother and his family who is currently occupying my bedroom so I have to share with my Sister for a week while he stays with us... He drives me up the wall, and Megan's in
Cardiff so I have no one to see all week, why is everyone on holiday?! Elley's in Haven too...
This post is going to be more like a journal, posting as it happens, nothing like usual! With daily
OOTD's! Hope you like it!
DAY 1 (Journey!);
The drive to the resort was quite long, but it soon flew by as I heard
Story Of My Life for the first time! Have you ever had that moment when you're getting really emotional and into a song when you drive past a burning lorry? Well, I have, I have to say, it wasn't the most thrilling moment of my life, I just hope everyone was okay! So the journey was around 2 hours, so yeah, it dragged! I will attach below a picture of my cosy travelling clothes, and yes, it is my Christmas jumper, and please bear in mind the fact that my makeup was still on after a LONG say at school, I think it stayed on pretty well! Also, the flash is on, that's why there is a white patch on my fore head! So when we got to the holiday park we got dinner! YAY! FOOD! We then took it back to the Caravan and sat 'cosily' and ate, I say 'cosily' as there is a 6 person family, and a 3 person family joined into a single caravan! But then we ate cake, so all good! Sadly I had to share a room with my Sister... But I didn't really care until I found out there was only. One. Plug. What?! I will also share a pic of our room below! Megan's is all the messy stuff! Mine's the one on the right! We were in bed for like half 11.
My Make up only looks this bad 'cause its been on for 10 hours, kay? |
Leggings & an old Christmas Jumper, I look Tall Here...
Mine's the right one!
DAY 2;
I woke up around 9 to the smell of cooking bacon, once I had eaten my fry up, I sat for about half an hour in my room with Story Of My Life on repeat, once I had finally got ready we (Me, 3 Sisters and our Cousin) went down to the clubhouse and I tried too hard to take a decent
OOTD, but failed miserably, as the lighting was wrong, and everyone kept photo bombing it... Also, my camera kept cutting out... So we then took a walk to the beach [picture below]. We walked through the beach and through
Hayle town, it was a lovely walk, we then went to cute little cafe called
Roosters and had lunch, I ordered a portion of chips and a lemonade, we then walked back through the beach and to the Haven resort. It was a bit nippy so I was constantly applying hand cream and lip balm! I have a new favourite hand cream, you can read about it when we upload our
October Favourites post, in a week or so!
OOTD- Burgandy Jeans, White Blouse, Crop Top, and Patterned Cardi!
The Pretty beach!
So, anyway, when we got back we had a cuppa and went to
TESCO, I love
TESCO at this time of year as there's loads Christmassy things, so I spent the whole time taking pictures and
Whatsapping them to Megan! (As you can see, I don't have
snapchat) I found the. Glade Christmas candle she has and its absolutely amazing! I want one! Just to ruin the mood though, I found the TESCO magazine, and it had a pumpkin on the front, I mean, who does that?! I was really annoyed it wasn't Christmassy...
Glade Scented Candle, Reigndeer Socks, Reeses Snowman, Santa Socks, Christmassy DAIRY MILK, and that dissapointing TESCO mag!
I'm not going to lie, but dinner was amazing! In
TESCO, my Daddy bought loads of crackers, a cooked chicken and a a lot of foreign cheese, so for my tea I had way to many crackers, a lot of chicken, and a roll! It was lovely! I don't like cheese, but I think he bought Brie,
Boursan, and a few others, for pudding was a Halloween cupcake [picture below] it was yummy!
Yumy, a chocolatey cupcake!
After dinner, and a lot of relaxing, we went down to the club. I have to be truthful, the entertainers are always rubbish! Like seriously, you can't sing! Right, rant over! Now, when it gets to the arcades, the 2p machines win me over, I'm like obsessed with them! They are so addictive! I end up wasting all my money on them, and this was no Exception. Every year, we come to Haven and in our house, we have a large jar in which we save up all of our coppers, and they are then split between the four of us, and my share was gone within 5 minutes, am I the only one who gets this problem?
My Weakness!
'Fun Stars' Slaughtered
Dirty Dancing, like what?! I'm not a horrible person, but bad singers, who sing professionally, just no. I was ringing Megan throughout, complaining about their singing! I was on the phone to her for a few hours, helping her pack for
Cardiff! Do you remember
Lucy Jones? The one off of
X Factor 4 years ago, with
Jedward? Well, she was performing that night, and not going to lie, she was really good! And a BIG improvement on the previous singer! She sung;
On My Own, Empire State Of Mind, Price Tag, Somebody To Love, Will Always Love You, and some others I can't remember! And was genuinely really good!
After her performance was over, we went home, I had a mug of
hot chocolate, and went to bed for 12:15!
It was a really good day! And for those of you that care, I will add a pic of my pj's!
PJ'S- Leopard Print Bottoms, and a Black Top!
My feet look really weird here? BUT FLUFFY SOCKS! OMG, i'm like obsessed with these!
DAY 3;
I woke up at around 10 with a treat for no breakfast if I didn't get up, safe to say I shot out of bed as though my life was dependent on it! After breakfast, it was 'Eggy Bread', there was four girls and my Dad for the shower, so I didn't get in till 11, and I hate caravan showers, they're always rubbish, and cold! I was making weird grunty noises as the water was hitting me, I made sure I was a quick as possible, I didn't want to waste much time, in there, freezing cold!
After everyone was done, the other Family we came with were here, and my Sister decided to start criticising me about how much make up I was wearing, which wasn't even that much, and the I looked like a 'cancer patient' which I thought was really insensitive.
OOTD - Palm Tree Tee, with lacy sides, and Highwasted, supposed-to-be, Skinny Jeans!
I don't look like a cancer patient do I? Messy Bun, For The Win!
After we had eaten lunch, left overs from last night, and more cake, we decided to go into
Truro! It was either there or St Ives, not going to lie, St Ives is lovely, but in bad weather its not enjoyable! So I wrapped up warm!
I'm not a 'Believer' 'twas a free phone case!
After we were finished in
Truro, we went to
Portreath Beach, in the freezing cold, in the raging winds, we didn't stay there long though, and came back to the campsite and got chips, yummy! We then watched some odd cartoon Halloween film, it was hilarious, some kid kept going on about how he kissed a girl, and some girl hugged them, and wished them luck on puberty, who does that?! After that we watched
Ghost Busters, but it didn't really attract me as I was too busy writing this! Its not a very good film anyway! Also, I was attempting to get hold of Megan, but the storms were so bad, it kept cutting out!
We went down to the club in time for Rock n Roll bingo!
After bingo, we sadly lost, only 3 away from winning! We went into the arcades and wasted even more money! Yay!
Rock n Roll Bingo!
We then went outside and braved the rain, to attempt Buffy moves on the play area, and failing, by getting stuck, awkward! Also, me & Ben found a tyre swing and took it in turns to push each other, whilst blasting Best Song Ever, yay!
Obvs, my phone was'nt on a good setting for this!
After that we went back into the club for a few hours, then we went home for about 11, It was so cold I had to take extra precautions for the cold! I had a Hot Chocolate and was off for bed! For about half past!
Trying to keep the warmth in!
DAY FOUR! (Home);
I woke up really early, I was awake for 8! So as we had to be out of the Caravan for 10, I decided it wasn't best to go back to sleep! I went to bathroom and got changed, but it was still cold! And the storm was still going! All yesterday, and all night, and all today? What?!
OOTD - White Blouse, Crop Top, Highwaisted Skinnies, and a patterned Cardi! Make up free, so wont post one of my face! Wouldn't want to scare you!
We left the Caravan Park for around half 10, and were on our way home!
It was a quiet (quite [Private Joke]) journey home as everyone was sleeping, apart from me, I was trolling through the Internet, trying to get a relief from my boredom! Nothing worked!
We were home for around 1 ish, and I have to say, being the idiot I am, I didn't realise today was Monday, so I was going to post late... Am I seriously that stupid, also, I was texting Megan and asked her if you needed a passport to get to Cardiff, in which she replied 'no...', I could imagine her laughing down the phone at me...
So that was my Haven post, wasn't very interesting, and I have to say, wasn't my best work, but ah well, be expecting a Cardiff post from Megan, with bits from the 'Doctor Who Experience' she likes that sort of stuff!
See you soon!