Thursday, 31 October 2013


Thursday, 31 October 2013
'Aya (In the best Yorkshire accent) So for this post I decided to show you my Bed-Time routine! It's nothing special, but ah well!

So first I hop in the shower, I love taking showers, as they're all warm! I spend about 30 seconds just stood there, letting the water consume me! C'mon, don't deny it!
Once I'm all warm, I wash my hair! See, I have quite long hair and its such a pain, especially when its knotty, I don't bother using conditioner, I probably should, but it just takes forever to wash out! Or, it just feels like it does... So I just shampoo it, and move on!

I then move on to my body, I have been using a Soap And Glory shower creme recently, just as I got it in a set and wanted to try it, and its so cute and diddy! Shower jel doesn't really excite me, I just use it, if I had to buy one though, I would co on smell and a creamy texture, and this one has both!
Yes, that's my laptop! - Soap and Glory, Clean On Me
After that I move on to shaving, I don't know whether anyone else does it like this, but what I do, is get soap, I have this really cute one out of a set, its in the shape of a duck and is really cute! Anyway, I get my soap, and a shower scrunchy thingy, and I get them both wet, and transfer the foam on to the scrunchy and I then like squishy it on to my legs or wherever, and go from there! Y'see, I'm to indie for shaving foam, I make my own, haha, no.
How Cute?!
Before you jump to conclusions, no, I don't have an obsession with ducks!
I don't always do it in this order, but I use a face wash/scrub, I'm currently using a SOAP AND GLORY Face Soap And Glory, it has a nice smell, and it has mini pink balls in it!

Soap And Glory, Face Soap And Clarity. I really need to clean my bathroom...
I then move on to cleansing, I am currently using a CLINIQUE Foaming Cleanser, its lovely, and leaves my skin feeling fresh! The sad part is that, I'm running out... NO!

Clinique - Foaming Cleanser, A godsend!
I'm then done in the shower, and dry off and snuggle up in some PJ's!
Yes, this IS from our Haven post!
I then apply my toner, I'm currently using a CHAMPENEYS toner, and it has a lovely scent, its leaves my skin feeling lovely!
Champneys - Skin Conditioning Gentle Toner.
I then moisturise! I'm using a T-ZONE one, so its reaaaaaally cheap, I actually got it from the 99p shop, and I got is as it said 'Skin Clearing' and I have quite problem skin, it got to work after a week, and after a few months its stopped working with spots, but I carry on using it anyway, 'cause y'know, why not?
T-ZONE - Skin Clearing Face Moisturiser.
I then use body butter or creme! I'm loving the SOAP AND GLORY The Righteous Butter its lovely! and smells WONDERFUL!
I then, if I can be bothered, pluck my brows, but from a lot of the pictures of me, you can see I really can't be bothered most of the time! I'm a lazy person!

At some point before I go to bed I have a Cuppa, y'see, I'm a bog standard English Woman, and I LOVE (with a passion) a good Cuppa, well, I don't like Earl Grey, Funny Story. Well, not so Funny, anyway! Megan has Earl Grey at her house, and its got to the point where I need to bring my own Tea Bags, but I always forget, so I'm stuck with Earl Grey, did ya know, that they smell like Washing Up Liquid, yeah, the scent puts me off! Back to routine! I love a good Cuppa, or even a Hot Chocolate, I'm not a Coffee Girl, I wish I liked it! I'M WORKING ON IT!
One Sugar, and a hint of milk!
I also, can't be bothered to dry my hair, so I just scrape it beck before bed!


Also, I have to wear my Retainer! Wouldn't want wonky teeth again!
Once again: PINK, AND SPARKLY!
So I snuggle up in bed, with my hair scraped back, and drift off into my beauty sleep, I wish! I need it!


Monday, 28 October 2013

HAVEN! (Amy)

Monday, 28 October 2013
Hey! So this Sunday it's our first 'solo' post, this is because I have just come back from Haven, and Megan goes to Cardiff tomorrow, so she will do Thursdays post!

In this post, I shall be just sharing my Holiday with you! As you know I went to a Haven Holiday Park in Cornwall, I went to the Riviere Sands one and it was great fun, we went with my my Step Mum's Brother and his family who is currently occupying my bedroom so I have to share with my Sister for a week while he stays with us... He drives me up the wall, and Megan's in Cardiff so I have no one to see all week, why is everyone on holiday?! Elley's in Haven too...
This post is going to be more like a journal, posting as it happens, nothing like usual! With daily OOTD's! Hope you like it!

DAY 1 (Journey!);

The drive to the resort was quite long, but it soon flew by as I heard Story Of My Life for the first time! Have you ever had that moment when you're getting really emotional and into a song when you drive past a burning lorry? Well, I have, I have to say, it wasn't the most thrilling moment of my life, I just hope everyone was okay! So the journey was around 2 hours, so yeah, it dragged! I will attach below a picture of my cosy travelling clothes, and yes, it is my Christmas jumper, and please bear in mind the fact that my makeup was still on after a LONG say at school, I think it stayed on pretty well! Also, the flash is on, that's why there is a white patch on my fore head! So when we got to the holiday park we got dinner! YAY! FOOD! We then took it back to the Caravan and sat 'cosily' and ate, I say 'cosily' as there is a 6 person family, and a 3 person family joined into a single caravan! But then we ate cake, so all good! Sadly I had to share a room with my Sister... But I didn't really care until I found out there was only. One. Plug. What?! I will also share a pic of our room below! Megan's is all the messy stuff! Mine's the one on the right! We were in bed for like half 11.
My Make up only looks this bad 'cause its been on for 10 hours, kay?
Leggings & an old Christmas Jumper, I look Tall Here...

Mine's the right one!

DAY 2;

I woke up around 9 to the smell of cooking bacon, once I had eaten my fry up, I sat for about half an hour in my room with Story Of My Life on repeat, once I had finally got ready we (Me, 3 Sisters and our Cousin) went down to the clubhouse and I tried too hard to take a decent OOTD, but failed miserably, as the lighting was wrong, and everyone kept photo bombing it... Also, my camera kept cutting out... So we then took a walk to the beach [picture below]. We walked through the beach and through Hayle town, it was a lovely walk, we then went to cute little cafe called Roosters and had lunch, I ordered a portion of chips and a lemonade, we then walked back through the beach and to the Haven resort. It was a bit nippy so I was constantly applying hand cream and lip balm! I have a new favourite hand cream, you can read about it when we upload our October Favourites post, in a week or so!
OOTD- Burgandy Jeans, White Blouse, Crop Top, and Patterned Cardi!
The Pretty beach!

So, anyway, when we got back we had a cuppa and went to TESCO, I love TESCO at this time of year as there's loads Christmassy things, so I spent the whole time taking pictures and Whatsapping them to Megan! (As you can see, I don't have snapchat) I found the. Glade Christmas candle she has and its absolutely amazing! I want one! Just to ruin the mood though, I found the TESCO magazine, and it had a pumpkin on the front, I mean, who does that?! I was really annoyed it wasn't Christmassy...
 Glade Scented Candle, Reigndeer Socks, Reeses Snowman, Santa Socks, Christmassy DAIRY MILK, and that dissapointing TESCO mag!
I'm not going to lie, but dinner was amazing! In TESCO, my Daddy bought loads of crackers, a cooked chicken and a a lot of foreign cheese, so for my tea I had way to many crackers, a lot of chicken, and a roll! It was lovely! I don't like cheese, but I think he bought Brie, Boursan, and a few others, for pudding was a Halloween cupcake [picture below] it was yummy!
Yumy, a chocolatey cupcake!
After dinner, and a lot of relaxing, we went down to the club. I have to be truthful, the entertainers are always rubbish! Like seriously, you can't sing! Right, rant over! Now, when it gets to the arcades, the 2p machines win me over, I'm like obsessed with them! They are so addictive! I end up wasting all my money on them, and this was no Exception. Every year, we come to Haven and in our house, we have a large jar in which we save up all of our coppers, and they are then split between the four of us, and my share was gone within 5 minutes, am I the only one who gets this problem?
My Weakness!

The 'Fun Stars' Slaughtered Dirty Dancing, like what?! I'm not a horrible person, but bad singers, who sing professionally, just no. I was ringing Megan throughout, complaining about their singing! I was on the phone to her for a few hours, helping her pack for Cardiff! Do you remember Lucy Jones? The one off of X Factor 4 years ago, with Jedward? Well, she was performing that night, and not going to lie, she was really good! And a BIG improvement on the previous singer! She sung; On My Own, Empire State Of Mind, Price Tag, Somebody To Love, Will Always Love You, and some others I can't remember! And was genuinely really good!
After her performance was over, we went home, I had a mug of hot chocolate, and went to bed for 12:15!
It was a really good day! And for those of you that care, I will add a pic of my pj's!
 PJ'S- Leopard Print Bottoms, and a Black Top!
My feet look really weird here? BUT FLUFFY SOCKS! OMG, i'm like obsessed with these!
DAY 3;
I woke up at around 10 with a treat for no breakfast if I didn't get up, safe to say I shot out of bed as though my life was dependent on it! After breakfast, it was 'Eggy Bread', there was four girls and my Dad for the shower, so I didn't get in till 11, and I hate caravan showers, they're always rubbish, and cold! I was making weird grunty noises as the water was hitting me, I made sure I was a quick as possible, I didn't want to waste much time, in there, freezing cold!
After everyone was done, the other Family we came with were here, and my Sister decided to start criticising me about how much make up I was wearing, which wasn't even that much, and the I looked like a 'cancer patient' which I thought was really insensitive.
 OOTD - Palm Tree Tee, with lacy sides, and Highwasted, supposed-to-be, Skinny Jeans!
I don't look like a cancer patient do I? Messy Bun, For The Win!
After we had eaten lunch, left overs from last night, and more cake, we decided to go into Truro! It was either there or St Ives, not going to lie, St Ives is lovely, but in bad weather its not enjoyable! So I wrapped up warm!
I'm not a 'Believer' 'twas a free phone case!
After we were finished in Truro, we went to Portreath Beach, in the freezing cold, in the raging winds, we didn't stay there long though, and came back to the campsite and got chips, yummy! We then watched some odd cartoon Halloween film, it was hilarious, some kid kept going on about how he kissed a girl, and some girl hugged them, and wished them luck on puberty, who does that?! After that we watched Ghost Busters, but it didn't really attract me as I was too busy writing this! Its not a very good film anyway! Also, I was attempting to get hold of Megan, but the storms were so bad, it kept cutting out!
We went down to the club in time for Rock n Roll bingo!
After bingo, we sadly lost, only 3 away from winning! We went into the arcades and wasted even more money! Yay!
Rock n Roll Bingo!

We then went outside and braved the rain, to attempt Buffy moves on the play area, and failing, by getting stuck, awkward! Also, me & Ben found a tyre swing and took it in turns to push each other, whilst blasting Best Song Ever, yay!
Obvs, my phone was'nt on a good setting for this!
After that we went back into the club for a few hours, then we went home for about 11, It was so cold I had to take extra precautions for the cold! I had a Hot Chocolate and was off for bed! For about half past!
Trying to keep the warmth in!
DAY FOUR! (Home);

I woke up really early, I was awake for 8! So as we had to be out of the Caravan for 10, I decided it wasn't best to go back to sleep! I went to bathroom and got changed, but it was still cold! And the storm was still going! All yesterday, and all night, and all today? What?!
 OOTD - White Blouse, Crop Top, Highwaisted Skinnies, and a patterned Cardi! Make up free, so wont post one of my face! Wouldn't want to scare you!
We left the Caravan Park for around half 10, and were on our way home!
It was a quiet (quite [Private Joke]) journey home as everyone was sleeping, apart from me, I was trolling through the Internet, trying to get a relief from my boredom! Nothing worked!
We were home for around 1 ish, and I have to say, being the idiot I am, I didn't realise today was Monday, so I was going to post late... Am I seriously that stupid, also, I was texting Megan and asked her if you needed a passport to get to Cardiff, in which she replied 'no...', I could imagine her laughing down the phone at me...

So that was my Haven post, wasn't very interesting, and I have to say, wasn't my best work, but ah well, be expecting a Cardiff post from Megan, with bits from the 'Doctor Who Experience' she likes that sort of stuff!
See you soon!


Thursday, 24 October 2013


Thursday, 24 October 2013
Hey! So for this post we didn't know what to do, so after a lot of of tolling, we came across a Q&A, we haven't done any of these before, so we thought we'd give it a go! Also, if you have any tags you wish for us to do, tell us in the comments! Enjoy!

Relationship status?

M: Single *sad face*

Where would you like to be in 10 years?

M: I would like to of finished school, college and possibly university, travelled a lot and to be just starting off my career.
A: I would like to have started my career off and been travelling.

Top 5 pet peeves?

M: People clicking their fingers, rude people, attention seekers, unorganised and untidy people and selfish people.
A: Noisy eaters, annoying people, slurping, chavs and people that don't try.

Your views on religion?

M: To be honest, I don't have any views, as I don't believe in any god or anything like that, people can believe what they want but I'm happy not believing in any of it.
A: I'm not religious, but I'm not one to stand in the way of other people's views.

Favourite comfort foods?

M: Crisps, chocolate, biscuits, salmon, cheese, fruit...the list is endless.
A: ICE CREAM! When I sleep at Megan's house, if we go to Saisbury's, her mum will sometimes buy me a tub, yay!

What's your zodiac sign, does it describe you well?

M: I'm a Gemini and my horoscope always seems spot on, so I guess so!
A: Gemini, and yes, I'm a twin!

Favourite childhood toy?

M: Not gonna lie, I was obsessed with Winnie the Pooh and Bob the Builder, so anything related to them, I would love!
A: My rocking horse that my auntie made for me!

Time when you felt most satisfied with your life?

M: For me, they are very few times I've felt completely satisfied, the most recent one would have to be towards the end of Summer. I don't know why, everything just felt right.
A: Last Summer, everyone was friends, and we went to the beach all day, nearly everyday!

Dream job?

M: As of right now, I have no idea, I have so many things I want to be or do. Maybe a Singer. Or a Blogger. Or a Youtuber. Or a Journalist. Or a Make Up Artist. Or a Photographer.You see my problem?
A: A Youtuber, full time Blogger, Freelance Make Up Artist.

Guilty pleasures?

M: Watching too many TV programmes and Youtubers and loving too many celebrities!
A: Not so guilty but, ONE DIRECTION!

Put your iPod on shuffle and write the first 10 songs?

M: You need me I don't need you - Ed Sheeran, Skycraper - Demi Lovato, Sassy - Kat Graham, Love story/Viva la vida - Jon Schmidt, WILD - Jessie J, Miracle - Cascada, Goodbye to you - Michelle Branch, Just give me a reason - P!nk, Lego house - Ed Sheeran, When I was your man - Bruno Mars.
A: What makes you beautiful - One Direction, Moments - One Direction, Heart Attack - One Direction, I wish - One Direction, Army of two - Olly Murs, Can't hold us - Maclemore ft. Ryan Lewis, Kiss you - One Direction, Right place right time - Olly Murs, Back for you - One Direction, Troublemaker - Olly Murs ft, Flo Rida.

Somewhere you would like to live or visit?

M: New York, London, Paris or Cardiff.

Earliest memory?

M: Watching wrestling with my Dad when I was a baby.
A: When I was younger, I remember getting a toy ironing board and vacuum and thinking it was really cool!

Favourite Yankee candle scent?

M: I don't have a particular favourite, as most of them smell lovely, but I do adore the Christmassy/wintry scents, they make me feel so festive!
A: Salted Caramel. it's so yummy!

Highs of this year?

M: Summer was really good for me and also getting to meet my baby niece!
A: Last Summer, and when I went to see 1D, obviously.

Lows of the year?

M: There have been a lot of lows this year but a major low point was falling out with friends and feeling insecure about everything.
A: Everyone not being friends..

Favourite book?

M: I have too many! If i had to pick a favourite, it would probably be The Hunger Games or Breaking Dawn.
A: The Fault In Our Stars I'm absolutely in love with this book, I cried for so long!

Biggest regret?

M: I don't really have any regrets - 'never regret something that made you smile.'
A: I always regret and feel guilty about wasting my money..

How important to you think education is?

M: I've always thought that education is quite important and that you always have to focus if you want to do well, even if you want to be something that doesn't necessarily need any qualifications, it's always good to have a back-up plan!
A: Very, although I want to be a blogger/youtuber and don't really need any qualifications for this!

5 favourite TV shows?

M: I have way too many! Erm..Doctor who, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Friends, Made in Chelsea, The Vampire Diaries, One Tree Hill, 90210, Gavin & Stacey, Will & Grace, Fraiser, Torchwood, Monk, Downton Abbey, the list is endless...
A: Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Friends, How I Met Your Mother, other brainless TV!

5 famous people you find attractive?

M: Ian Somerhalder, James Martsers, James Lafferty, David Tennant and Spencer Matthews.
A: All of 1D, obviously..

Favourite movie?

M: The Hunger Games, Twilight or Harry Potter.
A: Either This Is Us or any of the High School Musicals. Don't Judge me!

Someone who fascinates you?

M: Tanya Burr, Caggie Dunlop, Zoe Sugg, Kate Midlleton and Nina Dobrev.
A: Tanya Burr, I want her life!

If you could have anything, what would it be?

M: Money. I know people say that money can't buy happiness, and it doesn't, but it helps.
A: A Big Mac, not the food...

One problem you've had in your life?

M: Worrying too much and forgiving too easily.
A: I used to have a bladder problem?

Something you miss?

M: Friends! I love that programme so much!
A: My first cat, Bella!

10 people you would invite to dinner?

M: Kate Middleton, Zoe Sugg, Tanya Burr, Nina Dobrev, Cheryl Cole, Ian Somerhalder, Caggie Dunlop, Millie Mackintosh and Karen Gillan.
A: 1D, Tanya Burr, Zoe Sugg, Joe Sugg, Alfie Deyes and Jim Chapman.

Goal for the next 30 days?

M: To be happy and positive. (And to get to 600 page views!)
A: To get to 600 view on here, LETS DO THIS!

Hope you liked this! Remember to send us some challenges/tags you want to see us do! You can do this by either tagging 'Love and other ramblings' or 'LAOR' we will check these tags regularly! Look forward to hearing them! Also, there if still time of till November to get us to 400 views! So tell your Friends, Enemies, Random people on the street! Also, I (Amy) will be going to Haven in Cornwall this weekends, so I will be doing my first solo post when i come back on Sunday! Watch this space!

Amy & Megan

Monday, 21 October 2013


Monday, 21 October 2013
HEY! We would just like to start off by saying a HUGE thank you, over 300 views! That might not     sound like avlot to you, but to us, it's amazing! We are going to start having target page views each month, this month was 200 and we exceeded it already! Let's see if we can get to 400 by November!
This weekend we went to Exeter, we also went with Elley, a mutual friend of ours as we all had a weekender at Megan's house! We bought a few (CHRISTMASSY) things and we decided to do our fist haul post! Tell us in the comments if you enjoyed it!

1-      MINI CHRISTMAS JAR CANDLES! These were actually extra gifts for my Mum and my Brother's Girlfriend, they are £1 each from Primark, they have a Firewood Fig scent and the are fabby! I want some for myself! They are adorable and are in a cute little glass jar, with a festive, shiny, red label!

2-      CHRISTMAS THROW! Elley bought this and it was also from Primark. It was £5 (amazing!), it's big, fluffy and Christmassy! We both love it and are planning to steal it from Elley *wink*.

3-      CHRISTMAS FLASKS! Megan and Elley bought these and guess where they were from? PRIMARK! We do love that store, especially at Christmas! Anyway, these were only £2.50, and are adorable, they are thick plastic cups with a rubber sleeve to keep your hands from burning. They have a really cute festive design and actually keep your drinks quite warm, they have a screw on  plastic red lid and a little hole to drink out of! Another good thing about them is that they keep your drinks very warm, Megan's coffee stayed warm all of Sunday morning whilst she was on the train. Elley also said she would buy me one for Christmas, it will be perfect for my car journey to my Mum's on boxing day!

4-      RIMMEL STAY MATTE POWDER! Everyone buzzes about this product, so Megan finally decided to buy it in translucent. It was £3.99 at boots and she loves it! It isn't Christmassy but ah well, it's a must!

5-      CHRISTMAS CANDLE HOLDERS! These are super cute and are only 99p for two (from the 99p store)! They had Red, Purple, (bit random) and silver ones, Megan opted for the red ones as well agreed that they were very the most Christmassy! They are amazing, they create a little red glow around them when holding a lit candle, and the cut out snowflakes are also projected around! One is a matte glassed holder and the other is a shiny glassed holder! I want some too! GO BUY THEM! Seriously, for 99p, you can't go wrong.

6-      FOOD! Megan and Elley bought loads of food, I didn’t as when it gets to this time of year, I solely devote my money to buying gifts. They bought a large bag of BBQ Rib Doritos, which are apparently really nice, I haven’t had any before. They also had a TESCO meal deal for £3, and some cans of PEPSI from poundland. In the evening, they had a bar of  Cadbury Crunchie, this was a big bar of Dairy Milk with small pieces of Crunchie! It looked lush, but I refused to eat anything that I didn't buy... The last thing they bought was a brownie mix! We baked them in the evening and had a stereotypical sleepover - brownies and a gossip!
7-   Christmas Catalogues, I love these and every one I see, I pick up! I got a TESCO one, I love this one as it was glossy and amazing! I then got a boots one, well I already had one but it got very tattered as I took it to school every day, my maths teacher even threatened to call my dad and Megan's mum to cancel Christmas if we didn't put it away! (That's how often I had it out...) I also got two John Lewis ones, one was a gift guide, the other was a decoration guide, they're both full of lovely ideas. I then picked up a Saisbury's one. Even though it was only food ideas, I love food and it said Christmas on the front, so I didn't mind! Lastly, I got a superdrug one, which was packed with gift sets and make up ideas! We're always looking for more christmas catalogues, so if you know of any shops that have them, please tell us in the comments below!
      So this was our Exeter haul, we hope you enjoyed it! Would you want us to do more hauls in the future Also, we would like to know what sort things you like to read about, and if you have any ideas for future posts, we will take all comments on board! Thank you for reading, see you on Thursday! 
      All of our buys!
     (From L-R) The candles, Elley's blanket, Christmas cups, Rimmel Stay Matte Powder, Candle holders and the Christmas catalogues!
     (From L-R) FOOD! Elley and Megan's food from throughout the day, our delicious pizza's and our amazing brownies!
    A selfie of Elley and Megan at the train station! 
      More train station fun! A picture of Me and Meg!
     Amy & Megan

Thursday, 17 October 2013


Thursday, 17 October 2013
Autumns here, what does this tell you? CHRISTMAS IS NEARLY HERE! No, but seriously, its cold! A lot of people will be changing their handbag essentials, and clothing buys for the autumn! In this post, we will be giving you a heads up on what you should grab!

In summer, you will have (hopefully) got a tan, we didn't, and you might want to  keep that tan for longer, to give you a healthier look in the colder seasons! To prolong your tan, we would suggest moisturising your body/face, don't use the same product for both, unless it says too, most body creams/butters/lotions are  harsh to the delicate facial skin and will result in spots, not what you want.. We would suggest using The Body Shop, Shea Whip Body Moisturiser for your body, this formula is lightweight and easy absorbing, and the Shea butter scent is Divine! For the face we would suggest Simple Kind To Skin Replenishing Rich Moisturiser, it's fast absorbing and easy to apply, in a handy squeezy bottle!

It's getting colder, and its cold season, so we would suggest keeping a handy pack of tissues in your bag! these will always come in handy, if you have got the sniffles and/or a runny nose you have always got them handy! You can get these from anywhere, really cheap, so stock up for the Autumn/Winter!

Also keeping hand sanitiser with you at all times, especially if you're on the tube/train you don't know who've touched the railings! This will give you another barrier between you and that dreaded cold! You can get this from pretty much anywhere, even Primark!

Another is hand cream! As the weather gets colder your hands get more damaged, and chapped, so keeping a bottle/tube handy is an essential! We would suggest using the NIVEA Smooth Nourishing Hand Cream Anti-Dryness, you will have read about my (Amy) love for this in our September Favourites post, love this! You can probably get it at any drug store!

LIP BALM, this is brilliant, your lips will get cold, dry and chapped, and how do you prevent this? With lip balm! An essential in any Autumn/Winter handbag, or to be honest, all. year. round, i love lip balm, and have a weird obsession with it, i would recommend the Philosophy Hope In A Stick once again this was featured in our September Favourites so you can read about my obsession with this godsend!

We would also recommend wrapping up in cute scarfs/gloves/hats! You can get some really cute, thick knitted ones in Primark, deep colours like Burgundy are in, and also black and greys are in! Wrapping up in thick knitted gear is so cute, and warm! Yay!

Comment your essentials below, and what you want to see us do! Or blog about! We look forward to hearing from you!

Amy & Megan

Monday, 14 October 2013


Monday, 14 October 2013
Hey guys, so we didn't really know what to do for our Sunday Blog (this was meant to be uploaded yesterday) and we met up, we then decided to do an autumny make up tutorial! so here goes! if you want us to do more makeup tutorials, click on that comment button and type away! Also, we know we said we would blog every Friday, we changed that to every Thursday and Sunday!

Step One

Moisturising! Megan used a NIVEA Soft Moisturising Cream, it is so important that you moisturise! It keeps your skin looking lovely! This was applied all over the face, apart from the delicate eye area, obviously...

Step Two

Foundation! We used an old foundation out of Megan's Make-Up box! it was Max Factor colour adapt in 40 Creamy Ivory this is a very light foundation, feels like you don't have anything on your face, it was really light coverage! This was bad for me, because it didn't hide my dreaded dark circles and spots! But if you have good skin and only need a light coverage, this would be a good pick! So as it only had a light coverage, we applied Concealer to my dark circles and blemishes! This was Avon, but I think it was really cheap, it was a Colour Trend concealer stick in light! It was quite a creamy stick, so it didn't tug at under my eyes, but I do prefer Doe Foot applicators on my under eyes! Is that just me? Tell us below!

Step Three

Bronzer and Blusher! These were both Colour works, (Veeeeery cheap), Megan contoured my face and applied the Blush to the apples of my cheeks, like most people. However, these products weren't very pigmented! We then powdered me up, using the B. powder in Translucent. As I have quite oily skin...

Step Four

EYES! For the base, Megan used a Bourjois rose gold eyeshadow, then in the crease of my eyes, a dark brown, (another Colour Works product), she then blended it all together and smoked out the corners. In the inner corners, there was a small dab of the white, which was also applied under the eye brows as highlighter. The eyeliner used within this look was a gold liquid eyeliner, it was a Bourjois one again, and swiped it along the base of the lashes, you could add a wing, but we didn't. The mascara used  for this look was the Maybelline Great Lash Mascara, this was applied like any other mascara!

Step Five

LIPS! This took us a while to decide on a shade, but after a while we settled on a REVLON Creme De La Creme Gloss, in a cromey Burgundy (is cromey a word?) This is quite a dark lip gloss, and I have to admit, didn't really suit me, but we thought this was the finishing touch that this look needed!

Here are the pictures, now, obviously we couldn't show you each step, but we put a lot of them together, and we also couldn't show every single item that was used, but we have shown a lot!

We hope you guys enjoyed this, if you want to see us do more tutorials tell us below! Also, all of these products were old ones we found in Megan's old make up box, and can't guarantee they will still be on sale! Also, if you wish to send us products to use in future tutorials, or to review, there is a tab down the side of our blog and you can email us!

Amy & Megan,

Wednesday, 9 October 2013


Wednesday, 9 October 2013
This week we decided to let you guys get to know us better, so we are going to tell you 50 things about us! (25 each, it would be too long otherwise...)


1 - I'm a twin... We don't really get along, her name is Megan (no not that Megan)
2 - I love 1D, but i have a feeling you already knew that...
3 - My fave colour pink.. it's bright and colourful, and pretty, (yay!)
4 - I want to live in New York for a gap year between College and University.
5 - My dream job would be a Youtuber, but I will probably be a Teacher.
6 - I LOVE singing.. I don't know why, I just do!
7 - I was born and raised in the Midlands, just outside of Birmingham, with my Mum.
8 - I moved in with my Dad, in Torquay, when I was 10.
9 - My first concert was when I was 11, it was to see the Saturdays in Plymouth.
10 - My blonde hair is natural.
11 - My favourite time of the year is Christmas, and I get really excited, I've been excited for over a month already...
12 - I'm not a very interesting person, as you can probably tell...
13 - I have a new born Niece called Evie, I haven't met her yet though, as she lives near my Mum in the Midlands.
14 - I have a 24 year old Brother called Oliver, (Evie is his child.)
15 - I'm taking the basics, (Maths, English, Science etc,) Music, Media Studies & Geography for my GCSE's.
16 - I love the smell of cooking toast.
17 - I'm constantly making lists, we even have blog books with lists of what we need to do!
18 - I'm such a forward planner, when me and Megan were talking about moving to New York, I planned EXACTLY how much money we had, if we worked certain hours AND all of our budgets!
19 - I ramble on about a lot of things, as you all have probably guessed... yeah, sorry about that!
20 - I never had a dummy, I sucked my thumb instead..
21 - I only stopped sucking my thumb, at the age of 11, because my Daddy paid me!
22 - I can be really organised, and tidy everything around the house, but my room is. a. tip.
23 - I am part of the year 10 netball team, but I have a feeling it was only because they didn't have anyone else...
24 - My Mum chose my name, I was nearly called Amelia!
25 - I take A LOT of selfies, don't judge! They don't go anywhere though, people look through my my phone are like, what?


1 - I have long brown hair and I will NEVER cut my hair short again.
2 - Out of all my friends I'm one of the smallest...sad times..
3 - I love singing and hope to be a singer one day, even though I have stage fright.
4 - I'm an extremely ambitious person!
5 - I plan to live in New York for a year when I'm 18 with Amy , (obviously,) and another friend.
6 - My favourite singers are Caggie Dunlop, Cheryl Cole, Taylor Swift, Demi Lovato, Girls Aloud, James Blunt, Jessie J, Ed Sheeran, Lana Del Ray, Adele, Bethany Joy Lenz, Emeli Sande etc..
7- I love photography and editing photos.
8 - My idols are Kate Middleton, Cheryl Cole, Caggie Dunlop and Nina Dobrev.
9 - My favourite TV shows are Doctor Who, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, One Tree Hill, Made in Chelsea, The Vampire Diaries, Friends, Will and Grace and Frasier.
10 - I LOVE Christmas and everything about it - Winter, snow, etc!
11 - I'm quite self-concious.
12 - I have five siblings, two younger half-brothers who live with my step mum, an older half-sister who lives with her fiancĂ©e and children and another older sister who lives with me and my mum.
13 - I'm always on my phone.
14 - I love youtubers and bloggers and think that Tanya Burr and Zoe Sugg are the cutest people ever.
15 - I'm an auntie to my 6 year old nephew – Brandon, and my 1 month old niece – Ivy.
16 - When I was younger, I was such a tomboy and I used to pretend that I was The Doctor..
17 - I used to do ballet, but I couldn’t pronounce it so, instead, said ‘bellet'.
18 - I do A LOT of yoga.
19 - I'm a vegetarian and always try to eat healthily.
20 - For my GCSE's I took Music, Media and Art.
21 - My love for coffee is inexplicable.
22 - When I'm older I want to live in London or New York.
23 - I love fashion and beauty.
24 - My favourite colour is yellow.
25 - I want to travel the world.

So there are our 50 facts, we hope you enjoyed having a nosy in our lives! Leave a fact about about yourself in the comments below or send us a link to your post!

Amy & Megan


Monday, 7 October 2013


Monday, 7 October 2013
Here at LAOR we have A  LOT of favourite products, so we decided to show you guys them! We've had to narrow it down, here they are! Also, we want to know what your favourites of last month were, tell us in the comments!



1 - Philosophy: Hope in a stick. This product is so lovely to apply, it's nice and moist so it doesn't tug at the lip. Nice and balmy. S'pose that's what you look for in a lip BALM, wouldn't be a balm if it wasn't very balmy, eh? Love a good balm! (No idea why I just said that, just going with the flow!) Anyway, its just an all rounder! Doesn't have a scent, but I. Just. Love. This! I actually got this in the Summer, when my Mum went to Hawaii, they gave her a philosophy pack on the plane, so I 'borrowed' it from her! Anyway - good product, highly recommend this!

2 - Sally Hensen XTREME WEAR nail colour - in no. 89 Ruby Stilettos. A wonderful shade, a sparkly red, I actually bought this in August with Christmas in mind (78 Days, OMG) but then found it in my bag one day and tried it out! Just brilliant, I wouldn't totally agree with the 'XTREME WEAR' part, it just lasted about average time, but I still love it! Rush out and buy it before Christmas, yay!

3 - NIVEA Smooth Nourishing Hand Cream, I don't think I can stress how much I love hand cream, it is an absolute essential in my life, it comes with me everywhere - school, in my hand bag, at home, EVERYWHERE, so I have tried many in the past and this has to be in my top 2, along with Soap and glory HAND FOOD. It is lovely, and not greasy at all! ILOVEIT, fast drying and a good scent! brilliant!


1 - NYC Big Bold Curl Mascara, up until I purchased this mascara, I have always used high end mascaras as I thought 'the more expensive, the better it must be' I couldn't of been more wrong. I bought this in Superdrug (a drugstore here in the UK) for £2.49 - I couldn't believe how cheap it was, and, to be honest, I didn't expect it be very good, however, I was extremely wrong! I bought it in extra black - the blacker the better, and not only is long lasting, it makes your eyelashes look a lot fuller and curls them, hence the name! I'll definitely be re-purchasing this.

2 - Simple Replenishing Moisturiser, I adore this mostiriser! It's absorbs quickly and leaves my skin feeling soft and fresh and  it's also works really well as a primer for foundation. There is no scent and it contains vitamins B5 and E - both very good for your skin!



This had to be Last first Kiss - One Direction... So as you might know I have a wee bit of an obsession with these lads, and I've always loved this song, its from their album Take Me Home and it's a good belter, love a good belter! My parents don't particularly though... This song is just perfect...


Over the last month I have had many favourite songs but there is one song that just sticks out from the rest and that is Blue - Angie Hart. Although it's quite an old song, it's still really good. It's quite sad and quite slow, but I love listening to it - it's very calming. How I came across it is a bit weird - I was watching an old episode of Buffy The Vampire Slayer (a show both Amy and I adore!) and I got it stuck in my head so I googled the lyrics and then became obsessed with it... Go check it out!


Amy: (Film)

As you would probably guess, it has to be This Is Us. It was actually out at the end of August, but i was on holiday with my family so I saw it in September, and I'm not just saying this because its 1D, but because I loved it. Megan doesn't like 1D, so I went with another friend, we were the only ones in the showing, 3D might I just add.. and as we were the only ones there we were singing, at the top of our lungs, and just dancing around the cinema! It was such a good film! By the end, we sounded as if we had just been to the concert, again! I'd give it top marks, emotional, fun, musical! Well done Lads!

Megan: (TV)

As I previously mentioned, Amy and I love Buffy The Vampire Slayer, I grew up with it and was completely obsessed when I was about six, I actually thought that I was Buffy! Anyway, moving on from that embarrassing strory, I recently rekindled my love for the programme and managed to watch the entire 7 seasons in a month and a bit, I told you I was obsessed! It's such an enticing program, with lots of comedy, drama and action, it will forever be one of my favourites, definitely worth watching!

So there you have it, our September favourites! We hope enjoyed it, leave your favourites from the past month in the comments.

P.s We are going to (attempt) to update this blog once a week on Fridays.

Thanks for reading, 

Amy & Megan


Love and other ramblings © 2014