Wednesday 13 November 2013


Wednesday 13 November 2013
Sup, for this post I wanted to fan girl a little about Christmas, over the the lifespan of this wee blog, you may have noticed a few things about us. One of them being that we get far too excited for Christmas, far too early! There is even a countdown widget on the side of our site! A weird one, but ah well, actually, do any of you know any simple Christmas countdowns?

ANYWAY! Back on track, I have always thought that the build up to Christmas is so much more exciting then THE 25th of December! not that I am being ungrateful or anything, don't get me wrong, I love Christmas Day, I love waking up in the morning to my siblings shaking me, I love taking my stocking into my Dad's room and all sitting on the far-too-small-for-6-full-grown-people-king-size-bed, and taking it in turns to unwrap presents, I love sitting around the tree with the music channels on whilst waiting for my parents to get out of bed, I love taking it in turns to open our tree gifts, I love the Christmas fry-up we have, I love when my Auntie comes around and we have Christmas dinner, and we pull crackers together, and tell the corny cracker-jokes, I love the puddings we eat at the end, I love the light dinners we eat later on, with the leftovers and crackers, and yes, I just love everything about Christmas!

Even after all of this, the build-up still over-powers the day.

The cold-days and early-darkness. The Christmas lights twinkling as you search for that special gift. The smiley faces and the happy families. The little kisses stolen as couples walk through the streets. The excited children gasping and pointing at the displays of their favourite toys. The omnibus' of old shows, and the happy Christmas specials. The time when there are a select-30-or-so songs that get repeated over again as you enter shops. The time when families set aside their differences and are happy. The time when you have to apply silly amounts of lip-balm and hand-lotion, just for them to keep safe. The time when people wrap up in thick coats, scarfs, hats and gloves. The time for cracking open a new Yankee Candle, with the latest scents. The time when you watch the Christmas-light-turn-on and are smiling for no apparent reason. The time when you can hear/see the word Christmas written/said around a hundred times a day. The time for snow ball fights and snow angels. The time for Bonfires and Hot-Chocolate. The time when it is socially acceptable to sing in the streets. The time when it is socially acceptable to be drinking at 11 o'clock in the morning (if you're legal.) The time for Home-Baking and warm scents. The time for sparkly nails, deep lips. The time when you have to re-arrange your room to 'keep warm' and 'look cosy'. The time for pink noses and rosy cheeks. The time for fatty foods. The  time for whipped-cream-topped Hot Chocolates. Last but NOT least. The Season To Be Jolly (falalalala-lelalala)

The last few paragraphs were incredibly cheesy, and I don't even care, you can't tell me that the last few paragraphs weren't true. Can you?

Can't think of many more Christmas-Cliches, got anymore? Tell us in the comments? Thanks Hun!



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