Sunday 7 December 2014


Sunday 7 December 2014
Hiya, Christmas Quiz today!

1. Santa has nine reindeer, can you name them all?
- Megan: Dasher, Prancer, Donner, Blitzen, Comet, Cupid, Vixen, Dancer and Rudolph - yay!
- Amy: Rudolph, Blitzen, Vixen, Donner, Cupid, Dancer, Prancer..

2. What gifts did the three kings take to baby Jesus?
- Megan: Gold, Myrrh, Frankincense.. Um what, they're all spelt so weirdly..
- Amy: Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh.

3. On Christmas Day, what would you find a joke inside of?
- Megan: A cracker.
- Amy: A cracker!

4. Which meat do we traditionally eat with Christmas dinner?
- Megan: Well considering I'm a vegetarian I have none but Turkey.
- Amy: Turkey.

5. What type of pie is typically leave out for Santa on Christmas Eve?
- Megan: Mince Pies, mmmm.
- Amy: Mince.

6. What two things do we traditionally give to our friends and families on Christmas Day?
- Megan: Urm.. Presents and cards?
- Amy: Gifts and cards.

7. What are Santa's helpers called?
- Megan: Elves!
- Amy: Elves.

8. How many doors would you open of an advent calendar before Christmas Day arrives?
- Megan: It depends but typically twenty-four.
- Amy: twenty-four.

9. In 'The Twelve Days of Christmas' song, how many lords are leaping?
- Megan: Eleven?
- Amy: Seven?

10. In the famous Christmas song, which plant was Mummy kissing Santa Claus underneath?
- Megan: Mistletoe, aw.
- Amy: Mistletoe.

Overall, I got 10/10! And Amy got 8/10.. I won whoop. Hope you're all having a good day!

Megan & Amy x

(Click here for where we found this Christmas quiz).

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