Saturday 6 December 2014


Saturday 6 December 2014
Throughout the month of November I haven't been loving an awful lot but here are some of the few things that I have been enjoying..

YSL Crème De Blush in Shade 1 - This is such a gores product and if I'm honest, blusher has always scared me in the past, especially cream ones! But it's so easy to apply and it's such a pretty colour, quit peachy with a hint of coral - not usually want I would go for in the Wintertime but I felt that my face needed that extra something as it was looking so dull. It stays on all days and has a lovely sheen to it - I may be tempted to try some more cream blushes..

Lancôme Colour Design Golden Frenzy Palette - Oh. My. God. This is such an amazing product and so suitable for this tie of this year - I really cannot express my love enough for tho palette! IT has five colours in; a matte brown, a dark glittery goldy/brown, a shimmery gold, a cream glitter shimmer and a dark grey, almost black shimmer. It's solo beautiful and I keep using this to create the perfect Christmassy look.

Real Techniques Stippling Brush - I've owned this for nearly a year now and have only just started to really use it, god knows why - it's fab! It gives an even coverage from light to medium (buildable) with a liquid foundation and is so easy to blend in with.

Garnier Miceller Water  - I purchased this a couple of weeks a go and I absolutely adore it! It takes my face and eye make-up off very easily and leaves my skin looking and feeling extremely nice. Such a bargain as well!

Fairy Lights - I just think that fairy lights are perfect for around this time of year and add a touch of christmassy excitement to everything! (is that even a thing??) They make everything so cosy and pretty - you really cannot go wrong, especially not with the warm white ones! Soooo festive!

Festive Bakewells - You can't get much more festive than with these. Just your average bake well tart here from Mr. Kipling but topped with different coloured balls in different festive shades. The normal Cherry Bakewells are amazing but festive ones? My new favourite treat by far.

America's Next Top Model, Cycle 21 - Okay, so it's no secret that I'm a tad obsessed with this program but especially this cycle! (and the last one, oops) It's so entertaining whilst incorporating the industry and everything else fashion/model related into it - could I ask for more?

Taylor Swift - I've fallen back in love with Taylor Swift.. I haven't binge listened to her music in a about year but in the past month she's pretty much all I've been listening to.. And she's brought out a new album which is amazingggg! I love her not only her and her voice but also her songs are so intricately written and perfected, so beautiful.

Turns I actually had a lot of favourites this month.. my bad. What things have you been loving this past month?

Megan x

P.S wow.. we're already behind, typical us, sorry!

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